Gay teen asked to prom by straight best friend: ‘You’re my brother, so be my date?’

A devoted friend has proven his staying power after asking his gay best mate to prom – despite being straight himself.
known as Jacob, created a giant banner to ask his dear pal, known as Anthony, to the coming of age ceremony.
The friends embrace after Anthony accepts ‘You’re hella gay, I’m hella str8, but you’re like my brother, so be my d8?’ Jacob wrote on the giant red banner, which he surprised his pal with in the school corridor.
Sharing his story with the world, Anthony wrote: ‘Guess who got asked to prom! BY A STRAIGHT GUY (Army pants). he’s my best friend, and a real man given the fact he has the guts to fulfill my gay student council dream of always helping out planning dances, and never getting asked.’
How it all happened (via Imgur)
‘I couldn’t ask for a better person in my life.’
‘Thank you Jacob can’t wait for May 2nd!’
A picture was also shared on social media of the pair embracing, a massive smile on Anthony’s face.
How unbelievably sweet is this? Would you do this for a friend?