Catflap is a ‘literary journal’ of queer non-fiction and poetry from people in Belfast and Ireland with the title ‘Smart Queer Writing With A disco Heart’. The copy I have (issue 3) incorporated works by:
Bebe Ahsley – the Olive Branch
Samson Furlong Tighe – Found Poem in Loughlistown
Liliana Viola – SOY: Proof of Queer Life
Richard O’Leary – Objects of Desire: Portrait of the Homoseachai
Zara Meadows – Sign
Ian Macartney – Yesterday, Forth Rail Bridge (December 2-16)
Lauren John Joseph – Writing Sex
Anna Loughran – Nude & In the Gardens
Marc Gregg – Fuck Me Thru The Phone
(DW) Dean Black – essiage
Laima Kreivyte – Waiting & a feminist asks questions in church
Charlie McIlwain – Blue is Blue & Yes
Adam James Martin – Cross & Out
Dear Hole (Advice Column)
The journal consists of 89 pages, 87 in print.
It isn’t easy to put a finger on this journal, to me it is one for dipping into and finding that which you like and disregarding the rest. But then on another day those that you have disregarded may have meaning.
Directly the piece about Richar O’Leary did appeal, as I know Richard, indeed I had the pleasure of listening to him and one of his pieces at last year’s Cara Friend sponsored meeting at Queens University (with his props). Richard’s stories are interesting and thought-provoking; he has led an interesting life, had a wonderful partner, and now enjoys educating people about being gay in Ireland’s past.
Zara Meadows ‘Sign’ is a poem of seven verses – it is very descriptive
…Muggy night on Castle Lane
The rain falls on your jacket
Like paper planes on fire
Made from receipts
Stolen out from the pockets
Of corrupt politicians…
I am not a poet (I have only written one poem in my life at that was about World War 1 whilst I was at secondary school), and often I find poems do little for me. I think it takes time again to read and digest what each poet is saying, an example being Robert Forst’s poems which often have at least three levels to read and understand them by.
I am gong to suggest that you become readers of ‘Catflap’ editions published by Outburst Arts Festival. Give them the support that all writers and publishers need, especially in these times, and read about being gay in Belfast and Northern Ireland