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The movie is a love story between two young men where one is the androgynous Sebastian and one is Andreas, who is adamant that he is not gay. It’s them against the polished Swedish IKEA society. They dream about escaping boredom and the risk of becoming what everyone else is. And then there is Ellie – the superwoman growing inside of Sebastian who Andreas loves and fears. This is the summer when everything happens and both of them will choose paths that will determinate their lives forever. It’s a battle for love where Sebastian finally has to realise that he has to let Ellie loose, find the strength within himself and not let his happiness depend on someone else.
To be in with a chance of winning one of the three copies of Something Must Break on DVD plus a signed poster that we’ve got to give away, answer the question below and fill in your details, then press submit! The competition closes on May 24th, 2015, so get answering and good luck!
HOW TO ENTER:Click the button and go and compete the form and send it in
Halo: Nightfall Competition Entry Form

All fields need to be completed correctly for an entry to be valid. This includes your address, which will only be used if you win a prize. None of your details will be passed to any third party and will only be used for this competition (if you opt to receive a daily e-mail from Big Gay Picture Show, we will use your e-mail address to set that up, but you will be able to unsubscribe at any time), Multiple entries from the same ip address/computer risk being disqualified if we believe they break our rules on multiple/automated entries – we reserve the right to block ip addresses we believe may be engaged in trying to break the rules. This competition closes at 11.59pm on May 24th, 2015. Competition open to UK residents aged 18 or over. (For general competition terms and conditions, privacy policy and site T&Cs, CLICK HERE)
The Prize Finder – UK Competitions