From pre-decriminalisation of homosexuality to our visible emergence into a more inclusive and equal society, this local documentary explores how our hidden LGBT history in Northern Ireland, which has been locked away in records, diaries and personal memorabilia, can be remembered. It is also an exploration of how the living history of the last fifty years can be celebrated within the heritage of Belfast as a city. With local contributors Vince Creelan, Jeff Dudgeon, Brenda Murphy, Doug Sobey, Grainne Close, Shannon Sickels, David Grant and Heather Fleming.
The documentary was screened during the Outburst Queer Arts Festival (16 November 2013) between 3.30pm-4.45pm; and the screening was followed by an informal round table discussion, led by the LGBT History Archive Working Group in Belfast, around building an online public archive that shares the stories, memorabilia and key events that shaped, and continue to shape, our LGBT histories in Northern Ireland.
A Century Later: LGBT – A Hidden History from Northern Visions NvTv on Vimeo.
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