Jeff is the current Treasurer of NIGRA, a councillor for the Balmoral ward within the Belfast Council, an established author (Roger Casement: The Black Diaries – With a Study of His Background, Sexuality and Irish Political Life), was awarded the MBE services to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community in Northern Ireland.
He is mainly known for Dudgeon v United Kingdom, the case which led to the legalisation decriminilising homosexuality in Northern Ireland.
Jeff is an active politician, and the result of the South Belfast Ulster Unionist Association vote for a Westminster candidate on Wednesday 7 January 2014 was declared.
Michael McGimpsey MLA withdrew the day before the selection vote to concentrate on the Assembly.
(And two of Jeff’s supporters, Roberta Flack and George Fleming, were hospitalised earlier in the week!)
‘All present gave me a preference! A bit humbling.’ Jeff stated after the vote.
Party officers will now choose between the top two names after an interview.
Obviously a deal with the DUP standing down in South Belfast and the UUP doing the same in East Belfast is vital, along with Fermanagh South Tyrone and North Belfast being so arranged.
Unionism could regain three seats on a very good day
Further reading: