This certainly makes up for months of having to look at Justin Bieber’s digitally-enhanced crotch. This week, New Yorkers woke up to find Calvin Klein Jeans’ new fall campaign, which features a gay couple for the first time in the brand’s history, posted on one of the biggest billboards in the city.
The picture, lensed by Mario Sorrenti, shows models Reid Rohling and Ethan James Green entwined, visibly about to lock lips, while a suggestive text conversation appears on the corner of the frame. The image was chosen to appear on the brand’s most visible advertising space, at the corner of Houston Street and Lafayette Street, which is one of the busiest intersections in Manhattan.
Meanwhile, the campaign video of the scene, entitled “After Work Special,” also came out. As you’d expect, it’s pretty steamy:
See more images from the campaign here.
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