According to Dr Edith England (Cardiff Metropolitan University) and Dr. Neil Turbull (Cardiff University), WHAT DON’T WE KNOW ABOUT LGBTQ+ HOMELESSNESS, is over and under-researched. There has been a lot of research carried out on young people (especially those living in areas with high LGBTQ+ populations), but little or no research has been carried out for others, e.g.
- those over 25
- rural LGBTQ+ people
- those disengaged from or avoiding services
To try to gauge just how bad (or good) the reality is, the survey being conducted will look at:
- What percentage of the LGBTQ+ population has experienced homelessness
- How homelessness, and experiences of homelessness, differ within the LGBTQ+ population
- How LGBTQ+ homelessness is different in different areas across the country
- What LGBTQ+ people experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness want and need
- What happens after LGBTQ+ people experience homelessness
What can you do to help?
The LGBTQ+ community need a baseline, and with this survey, Dr Edith England and Dr. Neil Turbull, hope to fill the gaps in the areas indicated above. They believe that establishing answers to these fundamental questions will benefit all researchers in this area, and even help towards emboldening government policy.
The survey takes around 10 minutes to complete and asks questions about demographics, housing and homelessness experiences through the lifetime, and service needs. If you are aged 18+, UK resident and LGBTQ+, please complete the survey.
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