The critics have had their say about the BBC sitcom, but what did trans people think?
Trans people respond to Boy Meets Girl
But it is trans people, who are being represented in BBC comedy properly for the first time, that have had the most interesting thoughts on the show.
Rebecca Root, a trans actress, stars in the show in the lead role Judy.
Speaking to GSN, trans male activist Leng Montgomery said: ‘It’s about time British TV started reflecting trans actors in its programmes, especiallly as it’s a great way to include and represent the society we live in.
‘It can also help convey some of the issues trans people face and hopefully create empathy and understanding.
‘I also think it’s very important for visibility as overall it promotes greater understanding and acknowledgement of trans people and opens up a new pool of acting talent.
And Jane Fae, journalist and GSN contributor, said: ”Like many in the trans community, I settled down to watch Boy Meets Girl with the promise of seeing something different. I wasn’t disappointed. It was, as it said on the wrapper, a mainstream romcom/sitcom in which trans is just there: a part of the furniture, if you like, as opposed to the elephant in the room it so often becomes. Especially when well-meaning directors set out to say something meaningful about the topic.
‘But was it any good? Despite the sniffy reactions from some mainstream critics, I think the answer has to be a 100% unqualified yes. The budding romance between transsexual Judy and and shy, self-conscious Leo was touching, appropriately awkward and, in the end, endearing.
‘I suspect I was not the only viewer who felt a lump well up in her throat at their first rain-soaked kiss. Other characters are well-drawn: dialogue is witty in an under-stated sort of way; and in Judy’s mum, Peggy (Janine Duvitski) I could not help wondering if we were watching a national treasure in the making.
‘A big thumbs up to this programme, and to Rebecca Root. It was a long time coming, but is well worth the wait.’
Paris Lees, the top of 2013’s Independent on Sunday’s Pink List, said:
CN Lester, singer-songwriter, had a few more cons to say about the show:
And one trans Twitter user responded in the perfect way:
Just caught up w/ #BoyMeetsGirl. Pros: Leads have great chemistry, @rebeccaroot1969 absolutely lights up the screen
CN Lester, singer-songwriter, had a few more cons to say about the show:
And one trans Twitter user responded in the perfect way:
The next episode of Boy Meets Girl airs on BBC 2 at 9.30pm on Thursday 10 September.
Watch the trailer below:
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