‘Jack Robinson’ is a pseudonym, I assume, though given the sweep fo ‘Teardrops On My Drum’, anything is likely, parts of it are so unlikely they must be true! It chronicles the life of a Liverpool slummie from 5 to 15, when he joins the Army. The BA in the 20s seems to have been very gay.
On the way there is a lot of sexual h-jinks with other street-boys, with older boys on camping (old style) holidays, and with an adult policeman – ‘Jack’ being 12 at this time. This all appears quite likely to me, as Oliver J Flanagan T.D,, Papal Knight and a number of unsavoury things has so wisely said, “We didn’t have sex until television came along”.
It’s true – people were so innocent-minded that the behaviour described here would probably have gone unnoticed, or been seen as personal eccentricities, especially in the working-class areas described, which must make the average person give up thanks for the oppression of the welfare state.
‘This book is a near masterpiece’ – read it!!!
Product details
Publisher : Gay Men’s Press; 1st Edition (20 Mar. 1986)
Language : English
Paperback : 176 pages
ISBN-10 : 0854490035
ISBN-13 : 978-0854490035
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