Not far from the ancient, north African city of Timbuktu life is hard. Proud cattle herder Kidane (Ibrahim Ahmed aka Pino) tries to live peacefully in the dunes with his wife Satima (Toulou Kiki), his daughter Toya (Layla Walet Mohamed), and Issan (Mehdi Ag Mohamed), their twelve-year-old shepherd.
In the town the newly arrived, religious fundamentalists strut, with their heavy weapons and driving around in the Toyota, four wheel pickups and motorbikes. Using megaphones they shout their new religious decrees – music banned, cigarettes banned, soccer banned and women must be covered and wear socks and gloves at all times.
We see the local iman, the woman selling fish and others gently and with much dignity resist with dignity. We see the jihadis taking control – hunting down the source of music, punishing people for small digressions. We see them as hypocrites – sometimes brutal. as they tighten the screws, – sometimes stupid, the scene where they try, incompetently, to make a propaganda video is an absolute hoot .
Life is harsh and this is reflected as Kidane ends up in a bitter conflict with a neighbour. This ends up being tried under the very narrow, uncompromising, fundamentalist view of sharia law. I found this section interesting as Kidane’s reaction to these tragic circumstances is very different to that of someone brought up in a western culture.
The location is often very beautiful. The quiet dignity of local people inspiring. The cinematography good. An insight into a very different world and a help to understand the situation of those unfortunate enough to live in an area occupied by ISIS, jihadis or other fundamentalists.
On limited release at present.
French Twist (GAZON MAUDIT)
Entertaining French Film
Released as ‘French Twist’, (2005), is a cult comedy written and directed by Josaine Balasko, who also stars alongside Victoria Abril and Alain Chabat. In French with subtitles.
Gazon MauditIn this very modern ménage à trois, Laurent (Chabat) is a serial philanderer who assumes his dutiful wife Loli (Abril) is blissfully ignorant of his cheating. However, when a broken-down campervan brings stranger Marijo (Balasko) into their lives, Loli starts a less conventional extramarital romance of her own.
It’s a saucy, daring comedy in which sex becomes an ever-shifting game of musical chairs.
Upset the American Bible Belt
This film upset the American Bible Belt because of the suggestion that a wife could leave her husband, even a complete womanising jerk, for a woman. Not even one eyebrow was even slightly raised in disgust in Europe.
See the film at the Cinema Museum
If in London, on Sunday afternoon, May 31st, see the film at the remarkable Cinema Museum, near the Elephant and Castle. Tickets.
Not only do you get the film, but a selection of clips from other French comedy films in very relaxed surroundings. You can a drink or snack – including quiche and pizza. Really lovely venue.
The building used to be the Master’s House of the Lambeth Poor House, where Charlie Chaplin’s spent some time before he made his way to America.
LA CAGE AUX FOLLES (1979) French film
One of the funniest films ever made. The story is of a gay couple, Renato, (played by Ugo Tognazzi) and Albin, (Michel Serrault), who runs the Riveria’s most outrageous nightclub, in which Serrault is the leading drag act.
There is a complication as Renato’s son, Laurent, the result of his only straight one night stand, is bringing home his fiance and her very straight, religious parents, with their own dark secret.
Renato and Albin attempt the impossible to try and hide their decadent lifestyle to impress the parents and the whole situation descends into a complete French farce – which just gets more and more complicated and funnier and funnier.
Why the French version is so much better than the American ‘The Gold Cage’ is the acting. The couple have genuine affection for each other and work together to try and help Lauren achieve happiness.
One of my favourite scenes where Renato tries to teach Albin to behave in a manly manner.
Good discussion of the film.