Today saw the AGM of the U3A Oliva – this event held just before the close down of most groups for the summer, and a time for people to review the past year, look at the finances and vote in the new committee.

John Melville, our President of the U3A Oliva
We had an interesting talk from Daniel, a local accountant, who advised us on how the various taxes applied to both residents and non-residents – if you haven’t sorted your taxes out please do so, the penalties can be severe. Make certain you keep your records up to date, and pay your taxes
After this meeting, I met with Iain Mumgall so that he could continue guiding me ontaking over the U3A Oliva website – with over 40 groups, other events, a selling page and also a wanted page, never mind the admin for over 540+active members – this is no small job, but I look forward to developing my skills and also to hopefully writing a ‘Dummies Guide to Working On Our Website’ over the next year.
Then my evening first aid call was to a lovely lady, whose laptop seemed to have stopped working. When I called down, I found Windows 7 frozen, a mouse with a battery dead, and also the laptop was unplugged from its charger. A quick ten minutes and all was back in line with what it should have been – however, I expect there will be more calls.