To store or not to Store
Research has shown that over 65% of cloud storage is controlled by these three big giants:
- Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- Microsoft
And whilst they do protect your data, they also have to allow US intelligence and law-enforcement services to access the data because of US Laws which give them very broad powers. So where is your clud storage?
Scare Monger
Now I could be called a ‘scare monger’, and as is often quoted @if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to worry about’, but the latest tranches of data protection leaks show that mistakes can and do happen:
- PSNI Police Details Leak
- Electoral Commission hacked with all our personal details
The statistics for the US are equally alarming if not worse.
Conflicts of Interest
The European Union is very aware of the possible conflicts of interest between it [EU] and the United States [US}, and don’t forget that the UK is no longer a part of the EU. Only recently the EU fines Facebook E1.2bn (£1bn) for having inadequate safeguards for data sent from the EU to the US.
We individually must think carefully about where we store our data, because the more knowledgeable we are of where it is stored, with whom, and on what hardware then we can make informed choices about safeguarding our data. We need to be aware of the possibility of hardware failure, what happens if the US retreats within its borders and turns off the tap to allow us access to our data.
The EU have started thinking about this and are actively investigating setting up its own clud computing farm; but the question is, is this an option for the United Kingdom [UK], would we be able to go it alone, will be allowed access to the EU?
Questions, Questions, Questions
There are so many questions, and no one at present seems to have the answers.
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- The Guardian – MPs fiddled with voter ID as electoral data security burned
- 30 Crucial Cybersecurity Statistics [2023]: Data, Trends And More
- ACOMSDave – Surveillance and Big Brother
- Nothing to Hide: The False Tradeoff Between Privacy and Security (full text of book)