Britain refers to just two parts of the United Kingdom, and only one of the two parts quoted in this article. However that should not detract from the figures and the relevance it has to the future of the United Kingdom. Brexit is here, the ink of the letter is dry, and now they just have to sort out the nitty gritty and we will know what impact it will have on the country. But again it will take a fair number of years before we manage to rise up from the ashes like a phoenix, and we won’t don it with ‘education shortfalls’!
For my part I am worried about the youth of today, and those following; they have to pick up the pieces and also try to extract the country from what will be in all probability a quagmire of bureaucracy and debt, and to do this they will need education. By this I do not mean this elitist ‘grammar’ school idea of our current Prime Minister (hopefully not for too much longer), but one that has the resources across the board in terms of financial, teachers, building etc – one that can deliver a revitalised, energised group of people who will know what to do and how they can manage a country that is demoralised and fighting against each other.
This report shows that currently that is not likely to happen. I was lucky during my life to be able to achieve the educational levels I set out for, not without hard work and money (which I provided), but also with the support of parents and friends, and on occasion even employers. I can only hope that we have employers left after Brexit!
BRITAIN is facing a chronic skills shortage as the country’s teens languish among the worst in the western World at reading and maths. A devastating new report last night claimed England and Northe…
Source: UK faces skills crisis as teens ranked lowest for literacy and maths skills