The interesting and fun things you find when you review older publications of your own are reviews by friends; in this case the review by my friend Anne Ross of the book ‘ Coming to Power: Writings and Graphics on Lesbian S/M.
First and foremost Anne was a dear friend of mine, sadly passed away due to cancer almost too many years to remember. I remember her from her hard work and support on various committees and groups like Cara Friend, NIGRA, various woman’s support groups, but I also remember her sense of fun like when she moved into her first house and decided to hold a party, and because she had no glasses she coerced me and a few others to go to the local pub and ask if we could borrow some glasses – she also decided to make up a coloured punch which looked hideous but turned out to have a lovely taste but horrible hangover. I missed her when she moved to London, and now miss her even more as I can never hear her infectious laugher again.
Now to her review:
Coming to Power: Writings and Graphics on Lesbian S/M
By Samois
Published by Samois initially then by Alyson Publications
Price: £ – currently unknown as out of print
Excellent book on Lesbian S/M. Clears a lot of myths and uneasiness that folk may have conjured up in their minds about S/M. Basically, the book is made up of various people’s views of and experiences with S/M. A few chapters deal with practicalities, like when care must be taken and just when to draw the line.
I would advise anyone unsure of their view of S/M to read this; probably at the end, they’ll find they see it differently from what they originally thought.
Anne Ross