I have written previously on First Minister Foster’s inability to move with what the voters have clearly indicated on; it would seem that the DUP remain blinkered to where we are as a society in regards to marriage equality, and if they are so inclined with this minority how are they with others?
I call yet again on the First Minister to stop using the petition of concern to hide behind. This instrument is long overdue to be removed from civilised politics on both sides, to allow proper politics to move forward along with the country.
I refer the Fist Minister to a report by the BBC in July 2013 which would seem to suggest that Petitions of Concern were being abused by both main political parties, and that the 1998 Act section governing their use was not clear enough and that Petitions of Concern need to review.
The SDLP leader, Mr Durkan, at that time said:-“I have made the point several times before and do so again that the standing orders need to be corrected in accordance with the agreement and the 1998 Act.
“The argument can also be made, and I made it at the time, that the 1998 Act could have been more explicit in providing for the procedure intended.”
Petitions of concern: Is Stormont’s safeguard system being abused?

These figures outline the number of times each party has had members sign a petition of concern. As some documents were signed by more than one party, there will be some overlap which is why the total number of petitions in this table amount to more than the total number tabled during the last mandate.
Stormont’s petition of concern used 115 times in five years
Call her Kim Jong Foster, she prefers dictatorship to democracy.
Source: Anti-gay crusade of Arlene Foster, Northern Ireland’s First Minister