Over the last month, as I always do, I have haunted charity shops to look for books, postcards, music and art which I find interesting. I am combining December 2018 and January 2019 together for this article due to the holiday, and I have to report that it has been a success, the art I have bought from my finds is exciting (at least for me).
I have bought the following:
- From a charity shop in Newcastle, Co Down this lovely oil painting. It is not by any recognised artist, indeed some of the work is very naive, but I love the topic.

- Then from another charity shop in Belfast, near Rosemary Street, I found the following two prints. Both in excellent condition and of an excellent size also, both have no name or artist attributed, so if you know please comment:
- £4

- £2

- 10 postcards which cost me £2.50

It is an eclectic mix, and each has been bought because it will bring enjoyment to myself and hopefully others.
The £3 sailing boat seascape is hanging with pride of place in my bedroom at present (I am soon to redecorate my apartment, so locations will change)
The two prints I shall have to get framed and they will then hang in my study/art room to give me inspiration (or to create a guilt complex because I haven’t done any drawing or painting!)
And lastly the postcards have been bought for me to send to friends. I still love writing properly to my friends and giving them the joy and surprise when a postcard arrives through the letterbox.
So you can the art I have bought, whilst not expensive, will be enjoyed and cherished, just as much as the art I see in galleries and museum – but these I own