ON December 1st, 2020 Michael Gove stated ‘that there are no plans to introduce a “vaccine passport” to give people access to places such as pubs and restaurants once a coronavirus jab becomes available.’
14 days later, Ana Beduschi, an Associate law professor at the University of Exeter said ‘
However the International Air Transport Association (IATA), an airline trade association that represents 290 airlines worldwide, announced on that it was in the final stages of developing a digital vaccine passport for travelers.
Currently with several coronavirus vaccines now in circulation, some travelers can’t stop talking about the Yellow Card.
So what is the Yellow Card, or Carte Jaune,; it is a medical passport issued by the World Health Organization (WHO). It’s an official record that some countries require for entrance, and it can document vaccination against diseases ranging from cholera and yellow fever to such childhood illnesses as rubella.
So is it possible that this doucment will soon also have entries for the COVID-19 – the short answer is maybe – only time will tell, but I believe the probability is a resounding YES.
COV?ID-19 is a global pandemic, and as such governments have to protect the people in their countries, whilst still allowing freedom of movmement and trade. To enable these two areas to occur, there will have to be some mechamism of control and protection, whether that be two week lockdowns upon arrival or proof that you have been vacinated. Of course if you don’t want to travel then you won’t be required to either have a vaccination passport or to be lockdowned on arrival.
You make your choice!
External links:
- The Washington Post – What you need to know about vaccine passports
- Healthline – Will Airlines Require Vaccine Passports in 2021?
- Medscape – Could Immunity Passports Follow COVID-19 Vaccinations?
- 7 News – Should a ‘vaccine passport’ be required? Experts weigh in on future of eating out, boarding flights, and more
- BBC News – Covid-19: No plans for ‘vaccine passport’ – Michael Gove

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay