‘Your future is going to be amazing’: Hillary Clinton’s inspiring message to gay teen featured on Humans of New York blog who fears people will not like him
- Presidential candidate used her official campaign page to leave message
- Wrote under the image: ‘Find the people who love and believe in you’
- Signed the message with ‘H’ suggesting it was directly from the politician
- Despite the holiday, she continued campaigning in Glen, New Hampshire
Hillary Clinton has posted a comment below a picture of a gay teenager on the Humans of New York Facebook page.
The former Secretary of State used her official campaign page to upload the message below the image of the boy who said he was afraid of what his future holds.
The youngster said: ‘I’m homosexual and I’m afraid about what my future will be and that people won’t like me.’
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Hillary Clinton posted a comment below a picture of this gay teenager on the Humans of New York Facebook page who admitted he feared for his future
Underneath, Hillary wrote: ‘Prediction from a grown-up: Your future is going to be amazing.
‘You will surprise yourself with what you’re capable of and the incredible things you go on to do.
‘Find the people who love and believe in you – there will be lots of them.’
She signed the message with ‘H’ suggesting she wrote the post and not one of her campaign team members.
It was then shared by a number of her staffers, including the Hillary for America deputy communications director Kristina Schake.
Even though it is a holiday, Hillary continued on the campaign trail on July 4 by visiting a private residence in Glen, New Hampshire.
She spoke to the crowd after a week where polls were released, showing rival Bernie Sanders is giving her competition.
Some of her emails which the State Department released this week, showed throughout her time as Secretary of State, Hillary was doing her upmost to prevent LGBT rights abuses around the world.
During a memorable speech in December 2011, she told a crowd in Switzerland: ‘Like being a woman, like being a racial, religious, tribal, or ethnic minority, being LGBT does not make you less human.
‘And that is why gay rights are human rights, and human rights are gay rights.’
The former Secretary of State used her official campaign page to upload the message below the boy who said he was afraid of what his future holds. She is pictured on Saturday speaking at a private residence in Glen, New Hampshire
Even though it is a holiday, the campaigning doesn’t stop for Hillary, with recent polls showing Bernie Sanders is giving her some competition for the Democratic nomination
Even though it is a holiday, the campaigning doesn’t stop for Hillary, with recent polls showing Bernie Sanders is giving her some competition for the Democratic nomination
She addresses a crowd who gathered at the home to hear the ex-First Lady speak
She addresses a crowd who gathered at the home to hear the ex-First Lady speak
Hillary Clinton meets voters during campaign road trip (archive)
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3149526/Hillary-Clinton-writes-comment-Humans-New-York-post-gay-teen-fears-people-not-like-saying-future-going-amazing.html#ixzz3f02uV9b1
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