Source: Common Sense Comes to Computers | Quanta Magazine
The curiosity is that so many of us at work, at home and in so many circumstances state ‘use your common sense’, which is non-sensical because it assumes that we have all had precisely the same life experiences, that we’ve all had the same teaching, the same upbringing, the same exposure to risk… (ROPSA)
Having spent a lot of my 66+ years working around and with computers, and my own nature being one of natural organisation (and even control!), I have always found it difficult to understand why so many others live in chaos.
I have come to accept that life is chaotic and the everyone adapts to it in their own way, but I cannot accept chaos and disorganisation.
However, I do love watching The Marx Brothers, reading Groucho Marx’s letters and listening to Harpo Marx play the harp and piano – that is common sense!