NIGRA is the oldest gay rights organisation in Northern Ireland. Since its conception, it has seeked to ensure ‘GayRights’ means enhancing the rights of anyone oppressed on account of their -actual or imputes – sexuality.
Through our Facebook [] , our Twitter account [] (previously we led by producing our information and resources through our various printed magazines and newssheet). We now publish articles that are of interest both locally, nationally and internationally from a wide range of sources related to the LGBTQI+’s people’s lives – all topics that we think might be useful for our community and its supporters. To these articles, we also write and publish independent articles written by local people through ACOMSDave [www.].
Now we are looking for more local input and support and we would like you to write on any topic that you feel needs highlights, e.g.
- Best gay spit in Northern Ireland (or your holiday resort area)
- Things that you like to do in Northern Ireland
- LGBTQTI+ history in Northern Ireland – don’t forget that we now have an online archive -LGBTHISTORYNI ( )
But you decide, just write it and submit it by emailing to The or