Democracy needs to be nurtured and looked after, if not then it gets strangled and we end of with a barren land. (David McFarlane)
Law, as it had been known, was no longer decisive in legal proceedings. Judges, now more than ever, were working toward the Fuehrer. Judicial independence, once the ideal of the German state, nearly vanished….Jim Snowden (
“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.”..John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton, first Baron Acton (1834–1902)
The problem with being an ‘outsider’ to another countries politics, is just that, you are an outsider. I don’t profess to understand American politics, but I do reserve the right to comment on what I perceive to be a fundamental change to society and the impact that it is having on others. When Hitler came to power, even though he had been well treated by the German Judiciary, he set out to control the courts and to remove fundamental rights. He succeeded, and to those who suffered because of this came the ‘Holocaust’ and the ‘Death Camps’. The United Nations states ‘The Rule of Law and Democracy Section stands as OHCHR focal point for democracy activities.’ The rule of law is the legal principle that law should govern a nation, as opposed to being governed by arbitrary decisions of individual government officials. The decision by President Trump goes in the face of all legal precedents except when you look at dictatorships such as Nazi Germany etc. Indeed it bares direct comparison with Hitler,
I expect the German legal profession to understand that the nation is not here for them, but that they are here for the nation*, and that from now on, I shall intervene in these cases and remove from office those judges who evidently do not understand the demand of the hour. (Trials of War Criminals before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals, vol III, the Justice Case,Washington, 1951 Page 51″)
Most of the world did not stand up to Hitler and his political aspirations, and the world ended up in a world war. In all conscience I cannot stand by and say nothing, President Trump is going down a very dangerous road, and the problem is that he is taking people who didn’t vote for him with him!
Donald Trump has fired acting Attorney General Sally Yates after she ordered Justice Department lawyers to stop defending the president’s controversial immigration orders.
Source: Donald Trump sacks US attorney general Sally Yates for defiance over immigration ban – live
Further Reading:
- Holocaust Encyclopedia
- Why Adolf Hitler spared the Judges – Judicial Opposition against the Nazi State