In these days of smart phones with camera apps, and digital cameras there will be occasions when you have taken a photograph and having uploaded it found that its orientation is wrong – maybe you would prefer a vertical image to be horizontal, or wnat to flip your image so that the subject faces the other way – so if it makes sense rotate your image to create that special effect to create that more interesting composition.
There are hundreds, if not millions, of programs and free online sites which offer to do this job for you, and indeed I have tried a few. And as with all things you will need to experiment to find which one(s) you are most comfortable in using. But surprisingly enough the Windows Paint program is usually sufficient to do tasks like this.
Rather than reinvent the wheel, I will direct you to this article ‘Paint 101 – Crop, Resize and Rotate Images’ written by Cynthia – it is clear, concise, easily understood with clear diagrams. I will however say, that not every flavour of Windows has paint on it, but most do.
So what photograph did I choose for rotation to create a special effect; I was near the Mussenden Templeand took this photograph of two rocks in the sae. A simple straight forward photograph, with little dynamic effect as a normal horizontal image. However by rotating it 90 degrees to the right the image has changed perspective, it seems odd, almost threatening – what do you think:

Rocks near Mussenden Temple

Rocks near Mussenden Temple – rotated 90 degrees to the right
I know as photographs go they are not very awe inspiring, but because it was not a dramatic scene, it I hope shows more clearly how one simple change of view can change how a photograph looks – rotate with care of course, but do try it, you will at times find it a useful tool