The Second C is ‘Connection’.
Making connections is what we all strive to do daily, whether it is with our partner, our children, or with our extended family; but then we move out into the ‘big’ world and here we seem to forget the rules we have used at home, and seem to think that they are put together differently for the ‘real’ world of business.
They are not!
Making a connection with a communicated idea or message means not only that the audience (the people who you have written for, or who you have made that telephone call to; or even just stopped and had a conversation with) get it, but that it resonates with them. It strikes a chord. It has, somehow, become part of their being.
Messages and ideas, in whatever form presented, that make connections are on their way to truly meaning something which is intrinsic to the your audience; and more importantly it will lead to new behaviours and actions.