I was reading the Guardian Weekend magazine from the 4th of September and came across a series of articles on grandchild and grandparents. The basis of the articles was how much do these groups really understand each other? Each story was interesting in that the individuals from each group seemed to respect and understand each other, but one story stood out for me; that Louis Brow (21) and Bob Smith (80). They both seemed to love and appreciate each other and to have a deep understanding of where they were, but it is Bob Smith’s response to Louis that I really loved..
“Listen, in life you’ve just got to take your time and go slow because if you go too fast you miss the beauty of life”
and Louis seemed to get the drift, for he said ‘It’s stuck with me, has that’
- Louis Brow
- ‘Know how to flex on Insta?’: grandchildren and grandparents explain the world to each other
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