Lifelong Learning
I have spent most of my life trying to educate myself; by this I mean I have been out getting those bits of paper which employers desire so much, and with which you hope to get that all illusive job and ‘salary’.
I have to admit that I have been successful, I have attended university three times and passed out with degrees and a post graduate diploma, and on top of which I have achieved numerous other professional qualifications. But, for all of these, and though I am now basically retired, I still feel the need to strive for more ‘education’.
Today I am doing MOOCs (Massive Online Courses) which i attend virtually online, and these are held around the world in numerous universities. They are short in duration, but no less enlightening and educational; and what is even better a lot of them are ‘FREE’.
I have studied art fraud, journalism, cyber crime, and I am now about to start project management and web design. The sky is the limit.
The blog article linked to at the end of my piece is from Srinivas Rao, and is about the same thing I have written about – continuous education – life long learning. With the changing face of the workplace, we need to debvelop tactics and abilities to keep ourselves fresh and valid for this workplace. Have a read, make an effort to learn more, go for your future.
Many people don’t read a single book after they complete their formal education.
Source: Give Yourself an Informal Education that Kicks the Crap out of Your Formal One – The Mission
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