The Commission is working in partnership with businesses to help them to meet their obligations under equality law and understand how they can identify human rights risks.
Here you will find a series of interviews with businesses and short and snappy guidance that will help you to do better business.
‘The Equality Act: Guidance for Small Business’ explains how the 2010 Equality Act relates to their operations and what they need to do to ensure they stay within the law. It includes practical advice in managing important business challenges such as recruitment, promotion and what to do to ensure as many customers as possible can access their services.
‘A guide to business and human rights’ helps businesses identify and manage human rights issues which may arise in their business operations. These could include supplier considerations and the impact on their customers. For example, businesses might think about the right to privacy and the confidential information they hold online about customers and staff.
Start reading now via the links shown below:
- Guidance for Business
- Human Rights matter for business
- Working better
- Partnership working
- Tools and Resources
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