(A Gay and Lesbian Prayer Book)
Dr Elizabeth Stuart
Publisher: Hamish Hamilton
Reprinted from ‘upstart’ April 1993
First of all I understand the need for a book of this type but I personally can see it having only a limited use.
One of the main problems that I can see in the book is that it revolves too much around the main established churches and the Bible, and for the life of me I can’t understand why. We have all at one time or another felth the pain that the Church can cause either directly or indirectly. What would have been more useful and indeed thought provoking would have been people’s own words rather than the words of the Bible.
The title is also misleading: it should read A Christian Gay and Lesbian Prayer Book. What about the other faiths that make up the Gay communnity – Jew, Hundi, Muslim, Buddhist, and so on, or are we to believe that Christians have a monopoly?
I’m sorry I personally would have no need for this book, it is just to restricted in its outlook
Peter G Simms
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