Be Aware
We all take the new technology at our fingertips for granted, whether it be mobile phones, apps to do anything, tablets or laptops. We also all make use of the various ‘free’ WiFi hotspots, but we all need to be more security conscious – be safe be aware.
Be Safe
Firstly Password
Don’t, repeat, Don’t use the same password for every device. With social media scamming these days, you would be surprised on how easy it is for someone to get your second middle name or birthday date which surprisingly so many use!
Remembering different passwords is difficult, but if you must write them down, do so in an address book under a fictitious name and disguise. Or use a memorable sentence and exchange some of the letters for numbers or special characters e.g. E becomes 3, S becomes 5 and also throw in as I said a special character if allowed. Be safe Be aware.
Be Safe Outside
For those of you who know how never make your phone or tablet discoverable by other devices. When connecting to different WiFi outlet, use a different password each time!
Protect Your Device
Whenever possible have an anti-virus on your device, and keep it up to date. If in doubt ask, better still learn, BE SAFE, NOT SORRY!
USB Memory Sticks
We all probably have at least one on which we have phtos etc for giving to our family or friends, or we may use them for transferring documents between computers. But again, we rarely have these USB devices password protected or even better encrypted.
A free program like ‘Veracrypt’ is one of best programs currently available for this job. There are others, and if you need help then please get some.
And lastly, if you find a USB stick anywhere and it is not yours, or if you lose your own and then refind it, never assume it is safe. An old trick is to add malware or a virus to a stick – you gain a problem and/or they gain access to your device(s). Be safe Be aware.
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